Employment Application

 Step 1 of 1

Complete this form to apply for employment with the City of Frankfort, Indiana.

* Denotes a required field



Contact Information

Second portion of ZIP Code is optional.
-- ext


Did you graduate?*
Did you attend college?*
Have you received additional education?*

Licenses, Certifications, and Registrations



Are you currently under investigation by any law enforcement agency or have you been convicted of any crime as an adult not expunged from your record?*


If you are under 18 years of age, can you provide required proof of your eligibility to work?*
Have you ever filed an application with us before?*
Have you ever been employed with us before?*
Do any of your friends or relatives, other than spouse, work here?*
Are you currently on "lay-off" status and subject to recall?*
Are you prevented from lawfully becoming employed in this country because of Visa or Immigration Status?*


Date First Available*
Can you travel if a job requires it?*

Employment History

Are you currently employed?*
Current Employer Phone 
-- ext
From Date 
May we contact your current employer as a work reference? 
Have you been previously employed?*
Previous Employer Phone 
-- ext
From Date 
To Date 
May we contact your previous employer as a work reference? 



Applicant's Statement

Date Signed*